abdication of the sovereign

abdication of the sovereign
отречение от престола суверена

Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "abdication of the sovereign" в других словарях:

  • abdication — I noun abandonment, abdicatio, abjuration, demission, departure, deposition, dethronement, eiuratio, leaving, quitting, relinquishment, renunciation, resignation, surrender, surrender of control, uncrowning, vacating, vacation, withdrawal foreign …   Law dictionary

  • The Canadian Crown and the Canadian Forces — The Canadian Crown is the controlling authority of the Canadian Forces, evidenced in the command structure, symbols and history of the armed forces of Canada. The monarch is the supreme commander of the forces, though she, her Canadian viceroys,… …   Wikipedia

  • Abdication — Ab di*ca tion, n. [L. abdicatio: cf. F. abdication.] The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder; commonly the voluntary renunciation of sovereign power; as, abdication of the throne, government,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abdication — /aebdakeyshan/ Renunciation of the privileges and prerogatives of an office. The act of a sovereign in renouncing and relinquishing his government or throne, so that either the throne is left entirely vacant, or is filled by a successor appointed …   Black's law dictionary

  • abdication — /aebdakeyshan/ Renunciation of the privileges and prerogatives of an office. The act of a sovereign in renouncing and relinquishing his government or throne, so that either the throne is left entirely vacant, or is filled by a successor appointed …   Black's law dictionary

  • abdication — noun The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder; commonly the voluntary renunciation of sovereign power; as, abdication of the throne, government, power, authority …   Wiktionary

  • The King is dead. Long live the King! — (French: Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi !) [The exact punctuation used when written varies from source to source, with the full stop on occasion being replaced by a semicolon, a colon, or a dash.] is a traditional proclamation made following the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Netherlands —     The Netherlands     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Netherlands     (Germ. Niederlande; Fr. Pays Bas).     The Netherlands, or Low Countries, as organized by Charles V, under whom the Burgundian era ended, comprised practically the territory… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Edward VIII abdication crisis — The Edward VIII abdication crisis occurred in the British Empire in 1936, when the desire of King Emperor Edward VIII to marry his mistress, Wallis Simpson, a twice divorced American socialite, caused a constitutional crisis.The marriage was… …   Wikipedia

  • Endogamy in the British monarchy — The British royal cousin marriages are considered an example of endogamy, or the practice of marrying within a specific class and social group, often for financial gain or influence in affairs of state. The handful of first cousin marriages was… …   Wikipedia

  • Style of the British sovereign — The precise style of British Sovereigns has varied over the years. The present style is: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of …   Wikipedia

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